
Is English necessary in IT?

Today we will discuss with you the topical question: “Is English necessary in IT?” and we will also tell you how to improve language on your own.

Even at the university, every teacher will repeat that without English and mathematics it is difficult to understand programming.

The mathematics is more difficult, we will describe to you the reasons why it is necessary to learn English:

– By indicating that you have spoken English, your chance of successfully passing an interview is increased.

 – In general, all technical documentation for all programming languages is compiled in English. No one will personally translate for you. Also, you will spend more of your time understanding and translating the documentation, which will increase the amount of work at this rate. Everyone will send you to read the documentation. Starting from a mentor and team leader at work, and ending with random users from the Internet.

– Hindus also post their educational and helpful videos in English. All the famous platforms that help solve problems are in English.

– Also, if you want to reach a new level – international customers and work abroad, then you will need: English, suitcase, train station, Silicon Valley!

– In every developed company, now there is a remote and flexible schedule. You get the opportunity to live and work anywhere in the world. And with such a schedule, there will definitely not be a burnout.

Especially for you, we have selected how you can learn English yourself:

BBC official website

Interesting game


IELTS mobile apps

Free exam preparation with Liz

YouTube channels

The IELTS Listening Test

The IELTS Listening Test II

TV series to improve your english


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