
What can be bought with cryptocurrency

The Binance crypto exchange and a network of Ukrainian grocery supermarkets VARUS announced payment for groceries and other goods in VARUS and Binance Pay technology.

With the addition of Binance and VARUS, customers can pay for products with discounted cryptocurrency payments with free shipping to 9 locations in Ukraine.

ANC, Kopiyka, SHAR@ pharmacies have become the first European pharmacies to accept cryptocurrencies.
First, in the capital of Ukraine, you can pay for beauty services in crypto. Such a possibility is given to the clients of beauty salons. Leo Beauty Club.

Electronics stores Tekhnozhak and Stylus have begun accepting cryptocurrency to pay for goods, integrating the Ukrainian WhitePay cryptoprocessing. The stench is not pershoprokhіdtsі – for example, the Foxtrot grassroots, one of the largest trading networks for the number of stores and sales, integrated the tool with the world’s largest crypto exchange Binance.


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